Tips for planning your Video Content

Making videos might sound like something that requires a large, expensive budget. But the truth is, there are plenty of ways to create quality videos on a budget. Here are a few simple tips to keep in mind.

Have a clear idea of the topic

Before you start making videos, it’s necessary to have a clear idea of what your channel is about. Since this channel is for your business, the content you create should focus on the industry, and provide value to viewers.

Of course, you can expand on your topics later on, but when you’re starting out, try and focus on one and do that well.

For example, if your business specializes in retail, it would make sense to have playlists dedicated to product reviews, cleaning hacks, etc.

Creating content about your brand on YouTube will inevitably help create a more positive view of your brand with a wider audience, so if you’ve got any customer testimonials, post those as well.

Start scripting your content

When it comes to recording content, preparation is key. Creating a script provides you with guidance to ensure you stay on point during the shoot. Think of it as having an introduction, a focal point, and a conclusion.

Plus, using a script gives you the opportunity to review the content and make sure it hits all of your business goals before the camera starts rolling!

Once you’ve scripted your video, read it out loud to make sure you’re satisfied with it and the content flows smoothly. This will help you identify any stumbling points sooner rather than later.

Create a studio at home

Your backdrop and lighting can seriously affect the quality of your video. Consider how the backdrop supports your brand’s message. Do you need to add a pop of colour or would a plain backdrop work best for your content? Are you getting enough natural light? A really well-lit space can look just as good as an expensive lighting setup.

Do you have a camera that records? Honestly, a really good smartphone can take great recordings but there may be limitations during the editing process. Don’t worry, you could always hire GoalConsult’s equipment for a day or our dedicated videographer to make the process more efficient and affordable.

A YouTube channel is a great addition to your overall social media strategy and can be one of the best tools to building an engaged and loyal audience while also ranking higher on Google Search. So, if you haven’t created a YouTube channel for your business yet, now is a great time to get started!


Anxious about starting out on your own? Speak to our digital experts to get their expert guidance on online and social media marketing.